Coldwater Mountain
Coldwater Mountain rises above Anniston, AL, as the Appalachian chain emerges from northeast Alabama. The stillness of this tectonic monument is deceptive if viewed from a distance, but visitors to the mountain’s surface soon experience the thrill that only human-powered wheels and gravity can provide. Since becoming a Forever Wild Land Trust property and nature preserve in 1998, plans have been in the works to transform Coldwater Mountain into an international mountain biking destination.
Now, thanks to intense planning and hard work executed through various public-private partnerships, knobby tires are hitting the trails—and according to riders, it’s been worth the wait. Alabamians and riders from across the country are beginning to take notice of Coldwater Mountain’s trails. In May 2013, the National Park Service designated the trail system as a National Recreation Trail, highlighting it as an exceptional trail of local and regional significance.
Laura Colbert from Loose Nuts Cycles in Atlanta, GA, has experienced Coldwater Mountain and describes it as a great ride. “It’s a great combination of easy and challenging trails,” she said. “The long trail up the mountain offers some real challenges, but I also saw some small kids very happily riding the shorter trails. I’ve already recommended that other riders visit Coldwater.”
Richard Edwards, Trail Solutions Manager for the International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA), has overseen the trail design, planning, and construction at Coldwater Mountain.
“We learned from past projects and incorporated the best design practices from places like Park City, Utah, and Tamarack, Idaho, and optimized the trails for fun,” Edwards said. “We wanted to make this a tourism destination that adds value to the local community by offering a variety of different trail difficulties. When the trails are finished, no matter what skill level you are as a rider or where you live in the country, Coldwater Mountain will offer something for everyone.”
A future trail connector is planned from Coldwater Mountain to downtown Anniston. Once completed, bikers and hikers from across the country could take an Amtrak train into Anniston and access the trail directly from their hotel. With the Talladega National Forest, the Chief Ladiga Trail, and the Pinhoti Trail all close to Coldwater Mountain, Anniston has the potential to become a premier hiking and mountain biking destination in the Southeast.
Currently, more than 20 miles of trails are open, with an additional 40 miles proposed for construction over the next several years. There is no running water or bathroom at the trailhead, and the gate is locked about an hour after sunset, so plan your trip accordingly. The trails are open 365 days a year and are free to use. They are open to both mountain bikers and hikers, but motorized vehicles and horses are prohibited.

For more information on Mountain Biking on Coldwater Mountain, visit the Northeast Alabama Bicycle Association.
Hiking and mountain biking aren’t the only outdoor activities available on the mountain. With 4,083 acres, Coldwater Mountain also serves as a nature preserve. The most common habitat in the preserve is dry oak-hickory woodland. Dominant tree species include sand and pignut hickory, as well as blackjack, rock chestnut, and black oak. Common midstory and understory plants of this upland habitat include sourwood, sparkleberry, and low-bush blueberry. Stands of longleaf pine pepper the oak-hickory woodland at higher elevations. The mountain is also home to a few plant species considered sensitive in the state or rarely seen on the tract, including smooth purple aster, purple coneflower, wild gooseberry, kidneyleaf grass-of-Parnassus, Boykin’s milkwort, and Alabama cherry.
Alabama is a birder’s paradise, and Coldwater Mountain is no exception. Species hikers can expect to see include:
- Birds of prey: Red-tailed hawk, Cooper’s hawk
- Nocturnal birds: Chuck-will’s-widow, Eastern whip-poor-will, common nighthawk
- Hummingbirds & flycatchers: Ruby-throated hummingbird, Acadian flycatcher, great-crested flycatcher
- Songbirds & warblers: Eastern wood-pewee, Eastern phoebe, red-eyed vireo, yellow-throated vireo, white-eyed vireo, brown creeper, winter wren, ovenbird, Kentucky warbler, hooded warbler, black-throated green warbler, pine warbler
- Sparrows & tanagers: Chipping sparrow, scarlet tanager, summer tanager
In addition to common mammals such as white-tailed deer, Coldwater Mountain is home to many interesting amphibians and reptiles, including:
- Salamanders & frogs: Spotted salamander (in high-elevation vernal pools), Webster’s salamander, spotted dusky salamander (in springs and seeps), mountain chorus frog, green frog, American toad
- Reptiles: Box turtle, Eastern garter snake, timber rattlesnake
This mountain also serves as a major watershed for Coldwater Spring, one of the largest springs in the state by volume, producing 31 million gallons of water per day. The spring is home to the pygmy sculpin, a federally protected fish found nowhere else in the world.
The Coldwater Mountain trail system is supported by numerous organizations, including:
- Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
- Alabama State Lands Division
- Forever Wild Land Trust
- Anniston Water Works and Sewer Board
- Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs
- Northeast Alabama Bicycle Association (NEABA)
- International Mountain Biking Association
- Southern Off-Road Bicycle Association
- Alabama Department of Transportation
- Alabama Power Company
- City of Anniston
From I-20, take Exit 179 (Coldwater/Munford Exit). Travel north for 2.1 miles and turn right onto Cold- water Pump Road. Travel a few hundred yards and turn right onto new black-top paved road. Travel 1 mile to the Coldwater Mountain parking area.
Text provided by Kenny Johnson, ADCNR. For additional information, visit